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Xamanthe Silverfire is an NPC from Kingmaker. A centaur youth that was too curious for their own good, they ended up wrapped up in a chain of events that lead to them being rescued from the clutches of peril by a group of adventurers, opening up a door for them to a life they always dreamed of.


Xamanthe is a centaur, standing about 7 feet tall. Their hair is short and black, and they are lean and physically fit, suited to a life of crime-fighting. Xamanthe is agender; they do not prescribe to either male or female. They are much more interested in stopping crimes and going on adventures.


Xamanthe is a bright, positive figure. They're not the type to give up hope; even after spending a month imprisoned by daemons and undead, they were chatty and content to be around others. They've always seen themselves as a would-be adventurer, and have huge respect for other adventurers- particularly ones capable of physical feats of might.

They have a more sensitive side, too- one they are particularly embarrassed about. When cornered by Ichor Eteocles about their poetry and relationship with Storysong, they were immensely flustered. They're also immensely flustered whenever they walk in on Alden or Ichor in seemingly inappropriate situations, which happens alarmingly often to them. Nonetheless, they keep an open mind, and try dispense good advice when the situation arises, even if that advice isn't particularly necessary.


Xamanthe is a capable melee combatant, after years of training under Alden Felstad. Skilled with both a bow and a longsword, they're fully capable of taking down crooks and criminals... and ultimately, even more powerful creatures, such as Milrair the Hungry, a Green Dragon and one of Ilthuliak's Chromatic Spawn. As a centaur, they're also particularly fast, able to gallop up to an average of 30 miles per hour. They've used multiple magic weapons in the past, including the Oathbow they stole from their mother and Maegar Varn's Flame Tongue.


Xamanthe Silverfire was born in the Dunsward in 4794 AR. In 4710 AR, human settlers arrived in the Dunsward, lead by Maegar Varn. When they established the colony of Varnhold, tensions arose between the Nomen Centaurs, who feared the two-leggers encroachment may extend to their lands, and the settlers, who thought the Centaurs to be strange cannibals. This lead to an armed conflict which saw most of the Nomen Centaurs' men killed, forcing them to retreat. Xamanthe, who was 16 at the time, had their father die around this time; but rather than dwell on his fate, they became determined to follow in his footsteps and become an adventurer in his honour.

In 4712, an opportunity to do just that presented itself; Nomen Scouts reported strange activities in the Valley of the Dead. Xamanthe stole away, sneaking Aecora Silverfire's Oathbow with them and heading to Varnhold, ready to investigate. Xamanthe found the town empty, and headed off to investigate what had happened, forgetting the Oathbow at an encampent in their rush to find the people of Varnhold. They eventually followed the tracks left in the snow to Vordakai's Island, but upon entering they were overpowered by the Dread Zombie Cyclopses and forced into a prison cell. They spent a month in that cell, imprisoned and gagged by a Piscodaemon as Vordakai occasionally visited them and fed off their anguish. When the Kingmakers rescued them, they immediately bonded with Alden Felstad, and were happy to help explore the rest of the tomb despite the hardships they'd been forced to face for a month. When the tomb was explored and Vordakai was slain, Xamanthe returned to the Nomen Clan and requested that they spend time in Kilcela with the Kingmakers to become an adventurer in their own right. Aecora accepted, and Xamanthe returned to Kilcela, ready to start a new life training under Alden Felstad.

By 4714, Xamanthe had progressed in their training to the point that they became the deputy to Alden's position as the Sheriff of Kilcela. They joined in Storysong's cult of personality, and wrote poetry for him; they were horrified to find out the truth about the Fossegrim later.

In 4715, Xamanthe accompanied the Kingmakers in taking part in the Rushlight Festival in Pitax. In the hours after the Midnight Joust, they were among the Kingmaker's companions who were kidnapped and held prisoner by King Castruccio Irovetti, made to shovel coal into the engines of Castle Pitax. They stayed there throughout the month of Arodus, until they were finally rescued by the Kingmakers. During the Season of Bloom, they returned to the Dunsward with the Kingmakers and Ak in order to deal with the potential Bloom plaguing the Nomen Centaurs. They helped fight off the 5 Ancient Chromatic Spawn of Ilthuliak, landing solid hits on Eormyd the Cruel and actually killing Milrair the Hungry. They kept Milrair's decapitated head, intending on bringing it back to Aecora when the Season of Bloom had ended.


Aecora Silverfire[]

Aecora and Xamanthe's relationship is sometimes a strained one; Xamanthe is desperate to impress their mother, but also frustrated by her inability to abandon tradition. Xamanthe was also unsure if their mother would accept their gender identity, so did not let her know until after the Vordakai incident. However, Aecora is more open than Xamanthe appears to understand; despite Xamanthe's rebellious nature, she coolly allowed Xamanthe to leave the Nomen tribe to continue training in Kilcela, and did not even raise an eyebrow at Xamanthe's identity.

Alden Felstad[]

Xamanthe immediately bonded with Alden, incredibly pleased to meet another transgender person. The fact that he was physically strong (enough to pick them up and leap over a tarry pit with them!) and incredibly charismatic led to Xamanthe developing a baby crush on the Half-Orc. However, they eventually moved past these feelings to view Alden as a close friend and companion, as well as an excellent teacher and their best friend in the world.

Ichor Eteocles[]

Xamanthe and Ichor share a teasing relationship; Ichor read some of Xamanthe's poetry, while Xamanthe figured out Ichor's feelings for Kesten. The centaur tried to push Ichor into confessing, and was aghast to see absolutely no progress for an entire year. Despite this, the two share a close bond.
